Saturday, July 12, 2014

Notes on living abroad

I live for the changes in culture, the accents, the thrill of something new, an adventurous lifestyle and a life where you don't think about work.  Then there's always the little things that are different from wherever you come from.  Sometimes you notice it right away from the call to prayer at an early hour in a Muslim country, or driving on the other side of the road.  The brain easily adjusts to this as you travel.

Other times it takes a while for you to recognize.  I've been out in the world so often, that the fact that the rest of the world uses the date format as dd/mm/yy seems normal to me.  Putting the day before the month does in fact make sense and goes on the list of things the US should adopt to make life easier (along with the metric system and Celsius).  When I see the date 12/07/14, I think of the 12th of July.  That's become normal in the last year plus of travels.  Yesterday I received an email from one of my frequent flier accounts and it took me a while to realize that the expiry of the miles was not June 12th of next year, it was December 6th.  Just got an extra 6 months on what I originally thought, which is nice, but proves that the brain has adapted to the international lifestyle and that is what comes to mind first.  Going to be a bit of an adjustment living back in the US.

Regarding driving on the other side of the road, I've been in Australia for 6 months and I ride my bike everyday.  It seems perfectly normal to drive on the left, and I'm not even tempted to go on the right.  About a month ago, I was watching a Hollywood movie and when they got in a car and drove on the right, it didn't seem correct.  Something was off.  My brain now thinks driving on the left is the norm, another thing I'll get used to being back in the US. 

I'm getting super pumped up for the return to the US.  Lots of amazing people to see, places to visit and an American life to be lived.  After traveling and hearing from others how great the US is, and where they went on their big trips over to the US, it's my time to live it up.  Looking forward to seeing everyone, eating Mexican, catching a few baseball games and turning 30 with the family in Boston.  Fun times ahead!
The two Peacocks in Melboure

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