Saturday, April 19, 2008


One thing I've noticed is that Germans will wait. And not just wait, but formally, in place where they should be. At the crosswalk, in the doctor's office, outside doors, all over.

One of my pet peeves is at crosswalks. In America when there are no cars coming, I go across. In Germany, this is frowned upon. People will stand there with no cars around waiting for the light to change. I understand that if cars are coming, one should not cross, but with absolutely no way of getting hit, they still will not go. The cars are similar when dealing with crosswalks: if a car is going to be turning right and there are people in the crosswalk, they of course wait. But they will wait even if someone is about 5 feet from entering the crosswalk. Cars and pedestrians are always far apart.

At the doctors office, there is a room where the reception is, that is separate from the hallway. People have to wait outside the room until the person before is done. Of course I just went inside, and stood behind the person, not understanding why I got a few dirty looks from other patients until later.

Germany has lots of rules, and most are followed. I'd say that waiting is definitley one that is followed.

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