Thursday, April 10, 2008

Shoulder update

My shoulder is still bothering me from a snowboarding accident so I went to a specialist doctor today. The trip provided more entertainment with German doctors. First off I learned that X-Ray is Roentgen in German, which happens to be the name of the street I live on: Roentgenstrasse. So I live on X-Ray street.

The doctor I went to see was Dr. Schade. Schade in German means bummer, as in when someone loses their keys, you say "schade" A good sign. But it turned out he was on vacation, so I saw another doctor. I had a couple X-Rays done as well as an ultra-sound. Pretty fun stuff seeing my muscles and tendons function. The office was more efficient than the last couple. Sit on the orange chairs to wait for the X-Ray, sit in the other chairs in the hall to wait for the examination room and no one sits in the waiting room. And I had nurses walking through the room to go to other rooms while the doctor examined the arm, but you can't argue about a free audience.

Basically my arm is getting better, although slower than I would like. Just need to take it easy and all will be good. Off to Nuremberg this weekend on a cultural outing to do some touring with my program. Lots of walking, and no lifting, sounds perfect for the doctors orders.

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